How to open a damaged or virus-infected USB Drive using Command Prompt (CMD)?

Written by techalb

If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization. (Gerald Weinberg)


We happen to believe that you have a problem with a USB drive the moment you had to transfer the data or get previously transmitted data, such as creating a shortcut to your USB and the moment you click it to appear an error message.

Something like this with the image below:

There was a problem starting <xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx…>. The specified module could not be found.

How to open a usb with virus or other error

We know that many of you have not been or are not aware of a solution to this problem, but believe me it is simpler than you can imagine.

Steps to make it possible to solve the problem of opening a USB drive, caused by any virus or undetermined software damage:

  1. Open the Start menu and from there search for CMD (Command Prompt) and with the right mouse we select the option: Run or administrator.
  2. Once the CMD window is open we type the corresponding letter of this USB Drive and click Enter, in our example it is: E:
  3. Then we write this line (and then Enter): attrib *. -h -s /s /d
  4. The last line is this: attrib -r -a -s -h *.*
  5. Click Enter and if everything is executed without problems it would appear the same as in the figure below (but certainly without 😊 ):

We hope this information helps you in the future.

@techalb team