How do I promote my website off screen / media?

Written by techalb

If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization. (Gerald Weinberg)


So most marketing is now happening online and we inadvertently forget how powerful interactions you can get off screen. While people spend a lot of time in front of computer screens and mobile devices, that doesn’t mean it’s the only way to do Marketing. Using off-screen marketing strategies will work best in combination with others.

1. Put your site on your business cards

Everyone who works for your company should have business cards that include your website.

That way, whenever you meet someone who may be suitable for what your company has as a target group (whether as a client, employee, or otherwise), you can offer them a business card, so they will have an easy one. find you knowing where to go to contact you.

This is an easy step to take and makes a big difference in how useful the activities and contact links are that you and your employees will get in raising your company’s exposure.

2.Put your page (logo) on freebies.

No matter how successful you are, a kind of promotion would not always be bad for you.

We all do. Pens, T-shirts, notebooks – whatever they are, people will gladly take them.

If a branded pen with your site on it ends up in the hands of someone who needs the kind of services you offer, they will know where to look. This tactic may not bring much traffic to your site, but it is another way to keep your site in people’s minds and make it much easier to find.

3. Participate in conferences suitable for your business

No matter how much our lives move online, there is still nothing more than meeting someone in your target audience personally.

Being able to talk about what your business faces in the future can be effective for you, and if you have business cards and freebies you can send them, and it is even more likely that certain people will check for your site. internet when they return home.

4.Present at conferences suitable for your business

Participating in the conference as a presenter would help you not only in your personal professional aspect but also for a good marketing of the company you run.

You can include a section / mention of your site in your presentation and put the address or logo in your Power Point back at the end.

People will leave your conversation with an awareness of your company and (especially if the presentation is good) can bring you positive feedback about your activity.

5.Present your community events and organizations

It is not necessary to go to major conferences to meet personal prospects.

Look for appropriate events and organizations happening in your city. If there is a topic of your expertise that would be valuable to the public there, submit a presentation for them as well.

Once again, this gives you a chance to promote your site by mentioning it during the presentation, and you can send people with business cards and freebies to make it easier for them to find the place later.

6. Support local organizations.

This is especially useful if you have a local business, but it is a good idea for any company. Look at local nonprofit organizations or other organizations in your city that receive sponsorships or will mention your site in thanks for a donation.

If this happens through mention on the public radio station or on your logo and on the program’s website for a fundraiser for a good reason, these opportunities give you the opportunity to link your brand name to a good cause and show that you are part of the local community as well as helping drive more people to your website.

7. Use your car to promote your website.

Every day when you stay in traffic you can help to expose more people to your business. Consider getting a car or, if you are more ambitious, complete a car to allow your passengers on the road to get to know your business and where they can find you online.

The disadvantages of off-screen marketing compared to online marketing are that it is more difficult to find out which field your visitors are coming from. However, most website owners will agree that getting more potential customers on your website is more important than knowing exactly how they got there.

Take the opportunity to turn off-screen interactions into ways to promote your online presence.